Rotary Elite holds installation ceremony

Bhubaneswar,29/10 : The installation ceremony and visit of the Governor of Rotary Elite, Bhubaneswar held on 28th Oct 2020 at a hotel in Bhubaneswar. Well-known social activist Rotarian Saroj Kumar Dash was installed as President and Rotarian Golak Kumar Majhi as Secretary of the odisha’s oldest club Rotary Elite for the year 2020-21.

On the occasion, Governor Soumya Ranjan Mishra discussed the many programs that the Rotary Elite is taking during the Covid-19 this year, the President of the Rotary Elite gave presentations about many of the projects being carried out by the club this year, the rotary opens opportunity idea that the elite will work in the coming days. Among others, Chittaranjan Mishra, Vice President, Niharendu Bhuyan Mohapatra, Sangita Bhanja Choudhury, Joint Secretaries were present at the event. All the activities was done as per Covid-19 rules issued by Government.

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